Mark Proberts: Change your Mindset | Change your Future

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Unveiling the Truth: Programming a Nation

Do you know that you’ve been programmed since the day you were born?

Do you know that you’ve been programmed since the day you were born? Yes, you read that right! Your environment, parents, and even television have had a significant impact on your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. As a master practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming, I have observed the language patterns and metaphors that people use to understand their programming.

Travelling around the world has shown me how different people, from various continents, have different models of the world. The USA, Canada, Australia, UK, and New Zealand, also known as the alliance, share similar values. On the other hand, in the European and Scandinavian countries, going green is a top priority, but the petrol-rich countries, affiliated with the US alliance are resistant to it. 

Is it just a coincidence that the more minerals and petroleum-rich the country is, the more resistant it is to go green? Not really! I see it as an interesting phenomenon that's worth exploring. 

Think I'm spouting nonsense? Well, stay with me and hear me out on this:

It's intriguing how we've been programmed to respond to different things. For instance, a cyclist is a disaster for the country's economy because he doesn't buy a car, doesn't borrow money to buy it, doesn't pay insurance, doesn't buy fuel, and doesn't need major repair work. He's not obese and will be less likely to spend his life on medication, which means he doesn't contribute to the country's GDP. In contrast, opening a new McDonald's store creates at least 30 jobs, including ten cardiologists, ten dentists, ten dietitians, and nutritionists. 

It's no surprise that the media, TV, and even the internet can manipulate our thoughts and beliefs. Recall how recently, people were urged to inform on their neighbours during confinement. It sounds crazy, doesn't it? But, hey, who put that idea in their head? 

So, the next time you catch yourself having certain thoughts and beliefs, ask yourself if that's the result of your programming. After all, we're all just people, and only love and respect can overcome our different programming.